Saturday, March 6, 2010


Okay, I've allowed myself space to write. Now I need something to write about.
Alas, I wait and continue to wait for inspiration.
I wait for something to passionately move me. I wait for just one line! One line will flow into the next. But nothing. Song lyrics and verses from others crawl across my mind. This is unacceptable. I must write something original. Perhaps not original topics, but I cannot fill a blog with song lyrics (well at least not unless they are my own)!




Waiting is the reasonable sign and all together necessary reminder that inspiration and the brilliant flow of words are not mine to possess. Rather, the creativity that flows within all of us is a gift. A precious gift that we must understand by the nature and definition of a gift is a free object or idea provided to us by someone. What we are given in this life is nothing that we are entitled to. Life is not our entitlement. Happiness is not an entitlement. Possessions, relationships, purposes are not entitlements. Living in the grand USA, we get confused about that. But trust me, you are entitled to nothing, nor am I. We are created beings. We have only what we have been given.

Thankfully, we have a good and loving Creator who enjoys giving good gifts to the very ones He created. Praise the Lord, for He is very good! He grants inspiration to the writers, words and speeches to those who speak, and images to the artist. I promise you this, whatever you lack - seek His face for it! You will not be disappointed. At times, you will not receive what you want, but you will always receive what you need!

Sometimes it's easy to acknowledge the need to wait, but other times it feels torturous! But we spend a lot of our time waiting in life. We wait for winter to end, we wait for our paychecks to arrive, we wait for the child to walk, we wait for the right opportunity for a job to come along, for our degree to be finished, for our upcoming vacation, to meet the love of our life, for individuals to be free, and then we wait some more. It seems at least a part of the very definition of humanity is to wait. Some do it better than others of course but like it or not, we wait.

Let us not wait in vain, but let us wait and trust in the Giver of all good gifts. And while you are waiting, you may be surprised by what you receive! After all, I just finished post number two while waiting for inspiration! :)

Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!
- Psalm 31:24 (ESV)

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