Monday, March 3, 2014

Day by Day

A calling to join God in his work, however that my look for each individual person, does not negate our close intimate relationship with Him.  He is of utmost importance and calls us to seek after Him.  With all my breath and in all my days, I never want to lose sight of what is far superior over everything else – walking with Him.  It is not walking with him to avoid misstep or to gain wisdom in a situation though that is a part of it, but the joy is walking with Him in the coolness of the day as one journey’s with a friend.  One of my favorite activities with friends is finding a beautiful trail to wander along together while our conversations drift from one topic to another.  This is no different than my treasured moments with The Lord.  This walk is not for the purpose of a destination but a settled enjoyment of one’s friendship with the King of Kings.  It is a return to Eden, a return to perfection, where humans were with God in freedom and enjoyed full access to the relationship with their Creator.

This quiet daily walk will not excite the media and may never make history but it is the quiet walk that I live for.  The world may never know me, but I will revel when my Father in Heaven calls my name.  He is calling to you, will you meet Him today?

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