Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Few of my Favorites

Donald Miller, in his book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, poses a thought about how maybe, just maybe, when this life is over we will sit and chat with God and tell him our favorite parts of the stories he gave us. In the movie, City of Angels, a little girl dies and as she walks to heaven with Seth, (an angel) she tells him that her favorite thing about life were "pajamas with feet".

What would I tell God were my favorite parts? Do I have favorites or am I too busy trying to make something out of life that I've forgotten to spend time enjoying the time God's given. Here are a few of my top favorites of the current moment, that if given the chance, I will share with God.

Squirrels I love them. Every time I see one, I smile. Sometimes I remember how they remind me that God provides. Other times, I just smile at their ability to jump, climb, and run with a quirkiness that is unique to their species.

Running I'm still a novice, but I love feeling the wind as I run. I love viewing the world as I pass it by. I enjoy the thrill of running alongside others or simply sharing the path with a passerby.

Fleece Blankets There is nothing better to me than cuddling up under a blanket. Blankets almost make me like the cold because they give me the chance to utilize one. Blankets are like hugs from God.

Writing There is no greater thrill than havin inspiration flow from my mind to a document. Forming letters and words into phrases of meaning is the epitome of my creative outlet.

Lazy days with my roommates and/or housemates Yesterday was a great example of this. We sat outside, watched the dogs play, talked, and just spent time together. It was great. Nothing fancy needed, just being together is enough. Time stands still and for a moment, we are young again with seemingly endless sumer days before us.

Smiles When a person smiles without being forced by a camera, their beauty shines. I love catching people in those moments when out of sheer joy or amusement, their faces just glow. Have you ever noticed how unique smiles are? Everyone seems to have a slightly different one.

Oh, I have plenty more. I think I will have to entertain this exercise of reflecting on favorites again. I cannot help but be thankful at the many good gifts the Father has given. And most of these are fairly inconsequential. I haven't touched the surface on the joy of purpose, love, shared understanding, joy, the hope in knowing Christ, etc.

I wonder, what are you favorites? I'd love to hear any thoughts that you may have!


  1. I think it would be taking care of my home, stretching myself physically by dancing and cycling, using my fingers to create and sew, developing my relationships with the people around me, particularily my husband. Great topic for a blog post!

  2. I love your answers! Thanks for sharing. :)
