Saturday, August 21, 2010


What is reality?
Our minds are vast and easily misconstrue.
Why is there so much misunderstanding between people?
Easy: perceptions, actions, and conversations all leave much room for

When our minds go to misleading thoughts - our perceptions go wild with attempts to rationalize and prove our own understandings. Even if they are totally and utterly WRONG!

This is a scary truth. Our lives leave wide open the room for interpretation. There is a TON of room for our minds, emotions, and perceptions to flat out lie to us. Crazy, eh? That's not even including the many lies that our friends and enemies tell us. That doesn't include the lies satan can lead us down.

Listening to these lies will lead us to paths of destruction. Not always death but broken relationships, fears, compromise, unlived potential, and much much more. Haven't you ever experienced a moment where you talked yourself into or out of something? Of course you have- we all have!

I believe the worst lie we can make ourselves believe is that their is no truth, only our understanding and perceptions of reality. This lie has led many people to totally give up the search for truth. For you see, there is truth but it is not found within ourselves. We can never understand truth on our own. Never. Left to our own devices, I would have to agree with this lie - we can never understand real truth.

Praise be to God - there is another way! There is a way out of the confusion, out of the misunderstanding, out of the fear, and out of the darkness. There is an answer out of all this mess. We find the source of truth in John 14:15 - Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Did you catch it? Jesus is truth.

Please listen to me. We must seek Jesus Christ to understand life and our reality. He paved the way for a life free from the lies around us. He is the source of the answers we seek. When life seems dark - turn to him. He will remove your lack of understanding and give you true understanding. The bible talks about this in 2 Corinthians 3:16-18
But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

It is my prayer that we would all begin to live true lives of freedom. The freedom that is found in Christ. The freedom that is found in living in an understanding of truth. There is not enough room in this blog for me to write of this truth. It is found written clearly in the Bible. Right now if you are reading this - please know one thing. What you seek is found in Jesus Christ. He is not a fictional story, He is not a dead man, He is God. He is your source. Ask Him and He will reveal himself to you.

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