Sunday, March 31, 2013

Death doesn't get to win

28 years ago, my parents lost their only son, my grandparents lost their first grandchild, and my sister and I lost our big brother.  His story is a tragedy.  Being young as I was at the time (under a year), it has been suggested that my heart would not feel so much pain over it.  I have spent 28 years living in a family with the hole that he left.  Trust me, I have been impacted but there is hope in tragedy.  Mostly, I seek to celebrate a life that was short but completely valuable and lovely.  Our lives are but vapors no matter how long, but we bring glory to our creator because He chose to form us in His image.

The significance that we are celebrating Jesus' resurrection this year on the very date 28 years ago that my brother passed away is not lost on me.  For Jesus Christ did not only die a tragic death which paid for my sins and yours.  He did the impossible; He rose to life.  This story has become commonplace and we treat coming back from the dead as if it is a normal and expected occurrence.  It is NOT.  Not only is it unusual for people to return from death's door, it is actually completely abhorrent that God would suffer at the hand of those He created and then turn around and offer us a gift that would be impossible for us to earn.

But, glory be to the King - for He did the impossible and loves doing the impossible all the time.  I'm so thankful that I have been given new life.  Life enough for today and life for the endless days ahead.  I'm thankful that I get to live today and tomorrow with the joy that when death comes to take me, I will but walk into life.  My faith will be sight and my hope completely satisfied in Him.  If you are reading this, my prayer for you is that you have that same joy.  As I get older, I don't look back but look forward to the untold adventures to come.  God is good, even in the darkest days and Jesus is proof.  Death doesn't get to win because God wins every time.

I admit this song is a bit unorthodox for celebrating Easter, but every time I hear it, I can't help but celebrate that we've been given life unending and that is all because of what happened over 2,000 years ago.  Enjoy and Happy Resurrection Sunday!

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