Sunday, January 15, 2012

Truth worthy of Celebrating

Negative words and lies can bring us down but uplifting words and truth can spring forth new life. I think it's easy for us to listen to the lies of our own heart and the enemy of our souls. How many times do we forget who we are? It is easy to get trapped and forget that we are created by God. To those who trust in Christ, we have been given the right to be Children of God.

Children, loved by the Father are Always Accepted, Always Loved, and Always Secure. It's incredible really. I have this funny feeling that the Spirit constantly speaks this truth to us but we so often fail to listen. Sometimes, like an unexpected text from a friend, my heart has an understanding that springs forth this truth loudly.

Tonight I was brushing my teeth and hit suddenly with the reminder that I am loved because I'm His kid. His acceptance of me is beyond reason and not based upon my actions. Belonging to Him trumps every other identity I hold or will ever hold. It is enough.

I cannot tell you how much I love it when an ordinary moment of life holds grand reminders. What a beautiful life we have been offered and given. If you are reading this, I pray you hear the reminders that are spoken directly to You!


  1. GO Stacey, GO! :) What a perfectly honest, truthful and beautifully written post. May you be blessed by this :) <3
