Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mastering the Patterns

Gotta break out of the pattern
don't know where I learned it
but it follows me
wherever there is text
i follow the pattern
3 points in a sentence
this, that, and that
suddenly I find
I am so trapped by this pattern
it is everywhere.

gotta break out. gotta break out.
is it possible to break free?
maybe I'll only have two points
or seven
who cares!
just no more patterns!

i am finding in drumming that patterns provide basic rhythms.
These basic rhythms are great but what makes them so amazing
is that they leave room for a drummer to break OUT of the pattern
to create beauty or maybe a little bit of funk!
it becomes complexity from the simple
but first, you must learn the basics.

life seems a bit like that too. Traditionally I seek to be set free
f r o m
the p a t t e r n s of life.
I avoid schedules like the plague and routines as if they would hurt as opposed to help
only to realize that
cHAos iS No MOre UsEFul tHAN PATterNS! ! !

It seems to me if my lessons learned from drumming are correct,
we must master the patterns and the rhythms in order to
have the freedom to break out of the order and humdrum when needed
so that our lives too can be filled with beauty and a little bit of that funk!

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