Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Take me there

I want to take a dive and push forward deep into the depths of what it is I catch a glimpse of at this very moment. Deep shall I go into the pool of the wonder caused astir in your eyes. I want to understand what it is that beckons you out of the daily humdrum of your existence into the stirring of your heart. What is it that awakens your soul so? What is it that causes you to stop what you are doing and S T A R E. What is that excitement that boils up from the depths of your soul out to your verbal expression and even to the point of pure untarnished laughter?

I beg of you, take me there with you. I want to see the world as you see it for that brief moment. If you cannot explain it, then just point it out to me so I can glance with you in the same direction. Let's walk together, if only for a moment, in shared wonder.

For these experiences are born out of a child-like heart. It is the joy of experiencing and appreciating a simple thing without needing an explanation that can awaken all of us.

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