After all these years, I cannot say I have an answer yet. However, it is not so hard to shift our focus. Have you found yourself having a lousy day or lousy week? Don't fret, just find one thing each day that was good and be grateful! Soon, you might just find that you have multiple things to be thankful for! If you are really cool, you may find things to be grateful for every hour!
Personally, this has been a challenging week for me. However, the amount of beauty in this week is enormous. Here are a few of my favorite things from this week that as I ponder, I truly am grateful! The fact that they happened during a difficult week proves all the more how good life is. God has granted us such good gifts, if we'd only just open our eyes.
A few of my favorite things from this past week:
~Biking past Lake Michigan for the first time (soo amazing!)
~Catching up with a few friends on the phone
~Receiving a message that made me smile
~A delightful sunset
~An unexpected gift
~Giggling with friends
~Listening to my favorite kid and her friend chat about their day
~Irish music in the park
~Finally writing my World Vision kids
~Delicious lunch
~Cool breezes
~Being silly in between important conversations
~Singing to the radio in the car
It could go on! Reviewing this list sure makes it hard to be crabby about a difficult week! I encourage you to make your own lists and find the good in your weeks and days as well. As you look, I bet you will find more than you expected!
~~ Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8) ~~